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Neha, 7, is standing in the entrance of her home in Indira Nagar, near the abandoned Union Carbide (now DOW Chemical) industrial complex in Bhopal, Madhya Pradeh, central India, site of the infamous '1984 Gas Disaster'. Neha was born blind, suffering from a neurological disorder, and due to the insufficient care she regularly receives, she developed an eyes and skin infection, and severe malnutrition. Neha shares a single room with no windows with three sisters and one younger brother: Bushra, 14, a girl affected by down syndrome, Nisha, 12, Fiza, 17 and Sohel, 9. Their father left their home in September 2013 and never contacted them anymore; their mother died in 2011. In 1984 she survived the poisonous gas cloud that enveloped Bhopal, leaving everlasting consequences that today continue to consume people's lives.