Projects: Pakistan
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68 imagesPakistan has been a crucial ally of the United States in the so-called 'war on terror', started after the 9/11 attacks, with the country countering extremist organizations on its own territory. Karachi, its economic pillar, a megalopolis of 18 million people, has been often alleged to be the major hiding place for Jihadists, Taliban leaders and even a number of Al-Qaeda militants. At the same time Karachi is also a highly sensitive place for NATO operations. Its harbour, Asia's second-largest, is NATO's main supply and logistical hub in South Asia. In the past years, countless arrests of Taliban supporters and militant have been taking place. A portrait of extraordinary men fighting an extraordinary 'war' with extraordinary means and measures. Brave, yet conflicted men, underpaid, badly equipped and faced with bureaucracy and a generally difficult environment, these men play a very risky game.